When a full house becomes parenting apart, changes in the family can become all consuming. While most families can successfully navigate these changes, some struggle due to a variety of issues, including substance misuse, parental alienating behaviors, intimate partner violence, and other challenges. How can family justice professionals help when children are dealt a bad hand? Is a successful future in the cards for high-conflict families? Join AFCC in Las Vegas as we examine the challenges of parenting apart.
Topics Include
- AFCC Guidelines for Parenting Plan Evaluations
- The Dangers of Concept Creep in Family Law
- Psychological Testing
- Sorting Trauma from Stress in Family Court
- When Your Child Doesn’t Want to Go
- Ethics of ODR
- Child Mental Health
- Mediation for Unrepresented Parents
- Research on Parent-Child Estrangement
- Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another
- Children with Special Needs and Resist-Refuse
- Unsticking the Stuck Client