AFCC 15th Symposium on Child Custody


November 9

6:00PM - 8:00PM Registration

November 10

7:30AM - 5:15PM Registration
7:30AM - 5:15PM Exhibit Forum
7:45AM - 8:45AM Coffee and Rolls for Institutes
1. When the Deck is Stacked: Sorting Stress from Trauma in Family Court Celebrity 5
2. Playing Your Cards Right: Meaningful Integration of Test Data into a Parenting Plan Evaluation Melrose 4
3. Co-parent Coaching as Dispute Resolution Sunset 3 & 4
4. The ABC’s and 123’s of a Child Custody Evaluation Melrose 3
AFCC Guidelines for Parenting Plan Evaluations: A Shakespearean Tragedy or Much Ado About Nothing? Celebrity Ballroom 6, 7 & 8
6:45PM - 7:45PM Welcome Reception

November 11

6:15AM - 7:15AM Yoga and Meditation
7:30AM - 5:00PM Registration
7:30AM - 5:00PM Exhibit Forum
7:45AM - 8:30AM Coffee and Rolls
Is it Just a Word Game? The Dangers of Concept Creep in Family Law Celebrity Ballroom 6, 7 & 8
10:00AM - 10:30AM Break
1. Cultural and Religious Factors in Custody Evaluations and Decisions Sunset 3 & 4
2. What to Do When Your Child Doesn’t Want to Go to Their Other Parent’s Home Celebrity 5
3. Supervised Visitation/Parenting Time: The Who, What, Why, and How Melrose 4
4. Ethics of Hybrid and Online Dispute Resolution with Self-Represented Litigants Melrose 1 & 2
5. Preventing Serious Child Mental Health Crises in Divorcing Families Sunset 5 & 6
6. Preparation is Not a Gamble: Tips for Effective Testimony in Child Custody Cases Melrose 3
Rapport, Emotion, and Credibility in the Zoom Room Celebrity Ballroom 6, 7 & 8
7. Diversity and the Revised AFCC Guidelines: Why One Size Does Not Fit All Sunset 5 & 6
8. Mediation for Unrepresented Parents Melrose 1 & 2
9. Stop the Madness: Avoiding Adverse Childhood Experiences and Other Maladies Melrose 4
10. Integrated Responses to Complex Families Melrose 3
11. My Child Hates Me: Research and Recommendations on Parent-Child Estrangement Celebrity 5
12. The Neuroscience Revolution and the Family Court Sunset 3 & 4
3:15PM - 3:30PM Break
13. The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Court-Involved Children Melrose 3
14. Crafting Parenting Plans that Address the Unique Cultural Dynamics of a Family Sunset 5 & 6
15. Looking Inward: Recognizing and Overcoming Our Biases Sunset 3 & 4
16. Child Custody Assessment: New Professional Perspectives from Research Celebrity 5
17. Affairs and Their Impact on Co-Parenting and Parent-Child Relationships Melrose 4
18. Conducting Homes Studies Virtually: Developments in Puerto Rico Melrose 1 & 2
DE&I Open Forum Melrose 1 & 2
6:00PM - 9:30PM Taste of Las Vegas

November 12

6:15AM - 7:15AM Yoga and Meditation
7:30AM - 3:00PM Registration
7:30AM - 3:00PM Exhibit Forum
7:45AM - 8:30AM Coffee and Rolls
19. Detecting Children Exposed to Drug Using Environments (Including Fentanyl) Sunset 5 & 6
20. Implementing Evaluation Guidelines for Novice Evaluators and Their Supervisors Melrose 4
21. Deconstructing Supportive Parenting of Gender Expansive and Sexual Diverse Youth Melrose 3
22. The Art of Parallel Parenting Plans and Disengaging Too Engaged Parents Celebrity 5
23. Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (FDIA): What the Research Shows Sunset 3 & 4
24. Use of Psychological Tests in Custody Evaluations: Experiences from Puerto Rico Melrose 1 & 2
10:00AM - 10:30AM Break
25. Children with Special Needs and Resist-Refuse Dynamics: Unique Vulnerabilities Celebrity 5
26. Understanding the Benefits of a Child’s Attorney in Contentious Custody Cases Sunset 3 & 4
27. Multi-Party Collaboration in High-Conflict Family Support: Can Technology Help? Sunset 5 & 6
28. Anti-Social and Psychopathic Parents: Implications for Family Court Melrose 3
29. Fatherhood Involvement and Child Custody: Tips and Best Practices from the NRFC Melrose 4
30. SAFeR, Your Winning Hand: Effects of Domestic Abuse in Child Welfare Mediation Melrose 1 & 2
12:00PM - 1:30PM Lunch on your own
31. Unsticking the Stuck Client: A Process for Going from Resistance to Resilience Celebrity 5
32. Impacts of Intimate Partner Violence on Children and Protective Caregivers Melrose 4
33. Getting Ready: Preparing for High-Conflict Cases Melrose 3
34. Parental Supervision or Parental Engagement? Therapeutic Access: A New Model Sunset 3 & 4
35. Growth Mindset: Application in Dispute Resolution Melrose 1 & 2
36. Saying “Gay”: Talking Knowledgeably and Inclusively About LGBTQ+ Issues Sunset 5 & 6